Okay! So I've been a little bit of a slacker! Seeing how I didn't put ANY of my Christmas and Winter stuff on a recent post or add any of my new stuff! So I thought I had better at least get my Sappy Love Day stuff up before I get it out to the stores! I've got a couple new things this year too that are pretty cute and very in expensive! Perfect to add a little LOVE to your Home!
Love Door Hanger: $25.00
Fun Red Bird: $20.00 I've also done Mr. Red Brid with a Bright Pink Flower and a white middle that has been selling like mad for Valentines. I'll post a photo as soon as I get some more done. :)
Conversation Hearts: Large $10.00 Medium $7.50 Small $5.50

Big Heart Door Hanger: $23.00

Add a Little LOVE to your Home! Love Block Letters $25.00

Fun XOXO Letters $18.00

Love Blocks: $18.00
Cupid.. the Love Doctor! ha! ha! $15.00

Love Always Board: $18.00
I can also do all kinds of fun LOVE sayings in vinyl for the wall or on boards.